Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Happy Tuesday!  So I broke my own rule for myself and have not written in nearly two months, but everyone gets a chance to start fresh so this is mine…again.

Well, to make a long 2 months short enough for a blog, I did go to Mass on Easter Sunday and it did feel A-MAZING. Sure, it was super crowded and I had a kid coughing on me in the pew behind me and two others throwing temper tantrums in the pews in front of me, but to be honest, I was so busy paying attention to the Mass that I didn’t really allow myself to feel annoyed.

The homily struck me particularly because it discussed evangelization and facing the world outside the confines of your church. I immediately thought of my father preaching several times about this very topic. It dawned on me that this is something that we talk about a lot as Christians, but we don’t always practice. The remainder of the day and several days following, I continued to think about this topic.

Why is it so hard to evangelize and how can you evangelize without turning people off?

This is a topic I plan to talk about a little more later on.

As for my continued church attendance, I have attended via Church of the Sacred Heart each Sunday morning at 8:30AM on TV. Do I feel bad about not going in person? Kind of, but watching on TV allows me some private time to reflect on what’s been said and to enjoy the Mass in my own quiet contemplation which is what I feel I need tremendously right now.

So next up…Evangelization in 2013!

Until then, many blessing!

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